Election Predictions....What Say You?


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May 5, 2021
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I'm curious what others think the outcome of the election will be including whether you think it will be close or lopsided outcome?
How long will we have to wait for the official results?
What the public reaction will be if your prediction is accurate?
And for those who think the polls are a joke, which I do, or who don't give a shit about this whole shitshow, feel free to unload about here too.

I think Trump will win decisively, not in a land slide, but not close. I think the left is going to lose their minds and there will be mass protest, riots, and general chaos for quite awhile with the media supporting/justifying it all. I do believe there will be states that will take days for results to come out, but that may not matter if Trump wins decisively.
And I think there will be a lot of shenanigans with the voting process and the lawyers will make a shit ton of money off the lawsuits that will come after the election. We are already seeing some cheating taking place before the election. The Dems have completely bastardized/convoluted the election process in the name of making voting easier!

What do you think?
I'm curious what others think the outcome of the election will be including whether you think it will be close or lopsided outcome?
How long will we have to wait for the official results?
What the public reaction will be if your prediction is accurate?
And for those who think the polls are a joke, which I do, or who don't give a shit about this whole shitshow, feel free to unload about here too.

I think Trump will win decisively, not in a land slide, but not close. I think the left is going to lose their minds and there will be mass protest, riots, and general chaos for quite awhile with the media supporting/justifying it all. I do believe there will be states that will take days for results to come out, but that may not matter if Trump wins decisively.
And I think there will be a lot of shenanigans with the voting process and the lawyers will make a shit ton of money off the lawsuits that will come after the election. We are already seeing some cheating taking place before the election. The Dems have completely bastardized/convoluted the election process in the name of making voting easier!

What do you think?
i pray your right, I really want to see people lose their minds, all the crying and people moving to other countries like they say they will LMMFAO.
I think its going to be right down the middle. I'm guess8ng some states are going to take weeks to get official counts. CA and NY are givens and that will make it super hard for Trump. Florida and PA are going to be tough. AZ and TX are not going to be ready wins. In fact I think AZ is already blue and almost a certainty.
Harris and it wont be close enough for a recount.
I don't know. Not even a clue.

I know what I want it to be.

I'm more concerned about the outcome...either way. If Trump wins, the liberals will riot. If harris wins, fringe Republicans might turn violent and provide harris the necessary ammo to enact legislation to ban and outlaw conservative values forever more.
I don't know. Not even a clue.

I know what I want it to be.

I'm more concerned about the outcome...either way. If Trump wins, the liberals will riot. If harris wins, fringe Republicans might turn violent and provide harris the necessary ammo to enact legislation to ban and outlaw conservative values forever more.
Might? They already showed their ass last election.
From everything I have seen and heard in commercials and in news reports, and from the way that Kamala and Trump have run their campaigns, I predict that Kamala will win decisively. I'm only making this prediction analytically, not politically. 🤓

I do agree with @THD when he says "The Dems have completely bastardized/convoluted the election process in the name of making voting easier!"
From everything I have seen and heard in commercials and in news reports, and from the way that Kamala and Trump have run their campaigns, I predict that Kamala will win decisively. I'm only making this prediction analytically, not politically. 🤓

I do agree with @THD when he says "The Dems have completely bastardized/convoluted the election process in the name of making voting easier!"
When was voting difficult? I've only been of age for 8 elections so maybe prior to that it involved something I'm unaware of?
From everything I have seen and heard in commercials and in news reports, and from the way that Kamala and Trump have run their campaigns, I predict that Kamala will win decisively. I'm only making this prediction analytically, not politically. 🤓

I do agree with @THD when he says "The Dems have completely bastardized/convoluted the election process in the name of making voting easier!"

The bold is the premise of the question, not who you want to win, but who do you think will win.

My predictions have sucked so far. In '16 I voted Trump but thought Clinton would win. In '20 I voted Trump and thought he would win. So if Trump loses, you can blame me! :ROFLMAO:
One way will send us closer to socialism and the other will bring back capitalism and revive our fear and respect on the worlds stage… praying for trump, fearing for Kamala. I just don’t think there will ever be a legitimate election ever again. I live in CA (Riverside County) and you are hard pressed to find a Kamala supporter. Same thing happened with the Newsom recall…. Couldn’t find hardly anybody that did not want him recalled but somehow he got more votes to prevent the recall than votes he got to win office. Everybody hated him during that time but yet he pulled off a win?! No fair elections!
Heart says Trump, gut says the evil cackler….
When was voting difficult? I've only been of age for 8 elections so maybe prior to that it involved something I'm unaware of?
I never said voting was difficult. I have voted in 11 Presidential elections and never found it difficult, even when I had to show ID at the polling station and fill out my ballots in a booth. The Dems have been using the voting should be easy mantra as an excuse to expand absentee ballots, extend voting periods (early voting), vote by mail, automatic voter registration (a system fraught with corruption) and fighting voter ID just to name a few. My personal view is that if you can't get off your ass and go vote, you forfeit your privilege to cast a vote.
I never said voting was difficult. I have voted in 11 Presidential elections and never found it difficult, even when I had to show ID at the polling station and fill out my ballots in a booth. The Dems have been using the voting should be easy mantra as an excuse to expand absentee ballots, extend voting periods (early voting), vote by mail, automatic voter registration (a system fraught with corruption) and fighting voter ID just to name a few. My personal view is that if you can't get off your ass and go vote, you forfeit your privilege to cast a vote.
I don't have an issue with absentee or early voting at all. People have lives; some of us can't drop what we're doing and hit the polls because we aren't even the same state to do it due to work. Absentee or early voting gives those people a chance to vote. Anything can be manipulated if you want. The notion that one party is clean while the other isn't is a joke at best. Take this dipshit for instance. Who would have thunk Ring cameras existed?
I don't have an issue with absentee or early voting at all. People have lives; some of us can't drop what we're doing and hit the polls because we aren't even the same state to do it due to work. Absentee or early voting gives those people a chance to vote. Anything can be manipulated if you want. The notion that one party is clean while the other isn't is a joke at best. Take this dipshit for instance. Who would have thunk Ring cameras existed?
I agree with allowing people who are out of state working, military of course and other reasons beyond the voters control being able to absentee vote, and have the ability to cast their vote early. I am just against no excuse early voting for convenience and believe that some states allow too much time for early voting, in some cases by several weeks.
And manipulation is more difficult when you have to show up, present an ID, and deposit your ballot in the ballot box as you exit. The less hands that touch a ballot the better.
I also agree that there are a ton of examples of shenanigans by both parties and those who do it should serve time and lose their voting rights permanently, no matter what party they affiliate with.
Voter rolls should also be cleaned up on a regular basis to ensure as much as possible that ineligible voters are removed from the voter rolls.
When was voting difficult? I've only been of age for 8 elections so maybe prior to that it involved something I'm unaware of?
It was difficult 150 years ago when the recently freed slaves couldn't afford to get an ID. But even though that problem has been solved, those idiots still claim that requiring voter id is racist.
Over 300 million people in this country. It's not feasible to expect them All to stand in line on election day.

Vote early, and vote often! 😁

As for my prediction...

I'm pretty sure the idiot will win.

The "orange man bad" theme is strong in this country.

And the average person will say...

How can I possibly vote for a convicted felon?

Life will go on either way.

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Voting should no longer be a right. People obviously do not make the right choices for America. That's why we are here now. People do not vote on the issues, they vote based on what the media and popular politicians tell them to do.

If voters understood what they were voting for, we would push back harder to get viable and electable candidates. I'm tired of voting for shit and getting shit. If the parties put forth shit and the voters do not clear a certain threshold, the election is suspended and a new round of candidates presented. The current administration cannot present or sign new legislation or execute executive orders until the candidate issue is resolved.

Voter ID should be the law. Taking a test to qualify for voting every election cycle should be the law.

We also need media and political ethics reform. The media should be required to take an oath to publish or air "news". It must be unbiased, not spun, must present the whole truth, must not have just sound bites. If they violate this, they take on heavy fines. Second offense, they lose their privilege to report and publish "news". Politicians...oath must include a "truth clause". If you lie, mislead, deceive...you lose your seat and face criminal charges. If you make unsubstantiated attacks on political rivals, you lose your seat and face criminal charges. These people are elected to represent, not get rich and deceive. There need to be a higher standard. America deserves better.
Voting should no longer be a right. People obviously do not make the right choices for America. That's why we are here now. People do not vote on the issues, they vote based on what the media and popular politicians tell them to do.

If voters understood what they were voting for, we would push back harder to get viable and electable candidates. I'm tired of voting for shit and getting shit. If the parties put forth shit and the voters do not clear a certain threshold, the election is suspended and a new round of candidates presented. The current administration cannot present or sign new legislation or execute executive orders until the candidate issue is resolved.

Voter ID should be the law. Taking a test to qualify for voting every election cycle should be the law.

We also need media and political ethics reform. The media should be required to take an oath to publish or air "news". It must be unbiased, not spun, must present the whole truth, must not have just sound bites. If they violate this, they take on heavy fines. Second offense, they lose their privilege to report and publish "news". Politicians...oath must include a "truth clause". If you lie, mislead, deceive...you lose your seat and face criminal charges. If you make unsubstantiated attacks on political rivals, you lose your seat and face criminal charges. These people are elected to represent, not get rich and deceive. There need to be a higher standard. America deserves better.
All true.

But when one fucktard owns almost every news outlet, the odds of honest reporting is nil.
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Voting should no longer be a right. People obviously do not make the right choices for America. That's why we are here now. People do not vote on the issues, they vote based on what the media and popular politicians tell them to do.

If voters understood what they were voting for, we would push back harder to get viable and electable candidates. I'm tired of voting for shit and getting shit. If the parties put forth shit and the voters do not clear a certain threshold, the election is suspended and a new round of candidates presented. The current administration cannot present or sign new legislation or execute executive orders until the candidate issue is resolved.

Voter ID should be the law. Taking a test to qualify for voting every election cycle should be the law.

We also need media and political ethics reform. The media should be required to take an oath to publish or air "news". It must be unbiased, not spun, must present the whole truth, must not have just sound bites. If they violate this, they take on heavy fines. Second offense, they lose their privilege to report and publish "news". Politicians...oath must include a "truth clause". If you lie, mislead, deceive...you lose your seat and face criminal charges. If you make unsubstantiated attacks on political rivals, you lose your seat and face criminal charges. These people are elected to represent, not get rich and deceive. There need to be a higher standard. America deserves better.
I don't disagree with much of it. My theory is we've been voting for the lesser evil for about 50 years instead of somebody competent. The cycle continues and the quality of the candidate decreases each time, degrading into the current state of two people that shouldn't even remotely be considered Presidential material. With that said, there isn't much incentive for a decent human being to become President though; you're just gonna get shit on by half the population regardless and the pay sucks given the responsibility (honor of such a position just doesn't mean much these days).

As for the rest, if you simply get money out of politics (e.g. PACs/lobbyists), the vast majority of the problems sort themselves. We blame media and other outlets but that ultimately boils down to money.
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Trump will win. But he will not be the next President. They will 25th ammendment Biden and Harris will be the next President. The left will finally have their woman of 'color' President. She will do what she's told until Jan 20th and wreck havoc on our country. Then she'll hand it off to Trump and he will have to unfuck all her fuckery while the media blames him for the shit economy and wars.