As mentioned, the event itself takes place directly behind the Glamis Beach Store.
Expect dust, and lots of it... it's the dryest and warmest of the holiday/big weekends of the season and the constant flow of offroad traffic near the event hub will put a dust cloud around the beach store in a mile plus radius.
Non-4x4 is fine in the flats near the store and most washes, be prepared to air down if things get hairy and there are a couple places to air back up - a air hose behind the beach store (between them and the event area) and a air hose near Gilmore's in vendors.
The dunes between the washes, the hill, and the swingset will be absolutely packed and this weekend, more than any other, is considered "amateur hour". Expect high traffic in the dunes between the "hot spots" and be ready to peel off and pick a different line in a moment's notice.
The dunes have changed significantly since last season and torrential rains have caused wash outs and weird features. I'd be skeptical of following/trusting anyone else's tracks out there for a while.
Like others mentioned, especially if you are unfamiliar with Glamis, this particular weekend, and not camping with a group - I'd get there during the daylight to find a place and set up camp, even if that's 7am Friday vs Thursday night.
Good luck, have fun, and take your trash out with you to the dumpsters :cheers: