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Posts posted by dunefinkster

  1. 7 minutes ago, Squatcher said:

    always wondered how shooting could start a fire until our group was shooting and started one.  Crazy, Fire dept put it out quick and no harm. but crazy how it can happen so fast


    Snuck that one past me. What type of ammo did they use? I know they start fires on Camp Pendleton ranges but they use tracers.

  2. On 8/29/2021 at 6:13 AM, John@Outfront said:

    It got within a mile of our home. There were a few homes that were near the origination spot that were burned down. appears some friends of a neighbor were target shooting is what caused the fire. It looks like at least for us we are safe

    Sure is sad to hear of people losing the possessions it took a lifetime to obtain. I guess as long as life was not lost you can always start over.

    I have never figured out how a fire starts from target practice. Unless you are firing tracers or Tannerite. I have witnessed  metal cans with gas in them being shot with no fiery results. Guess anything is possible.

  3. On 8/6/2021 at 9:12 AM, Cookie said:

    Either way, everyone needs to vote.  We need to show we do have a voice, even though it is a minority voice.  The reason we are in this mess in California is the lack of our side having a voice and sitting on our hands.  The Conservatives in Ca for the past 30 years were just happy making money and enjoying the weather, we need to win this state back one vote at a time.  I guarantee a lot of the Ca haters that are now in Calizona did nothing with their votes in the past, running away is not the answer, we need to fix it, one thing for certain, change always happens, lets make it change the right way.

    The recall, if anything will stop Nescum from running for President and remind the rest of the country to run away from CA Democrats.

    The corrupt elections in CA make me wonder if it can be done. I am not a resident (Just visit Glamis from Oct-Apr) of CA but my brother is. The corrupt way they write the propositions up is crazy. Like the fuel tax repeal.  On the ballot a yes vote sounded like you wanted to stop all road repair. No mention of the fact the money is being used for a bunch of BS that has nothing to do with roads. That is fraud. Lets hope that one Larry Elder can win and change the corrupt CA system. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, Arch Stanton said:

    Ca has had a mail in absentee voting for decades I have been voting absentee for as long as I can remember I think I only waited in line once and said f this 

    Totally different situation. You request an Absentee Ballot. It is sent to your current address. Just sending ballots out to people that are registered but never vote is the easy way to get the uninformed voter to change the outcome in favor of the person who will "give them money". All you have to do is think about how many people have left CA and never updated the voter registration. Think all those ballots just get destroyed.🤣🤣

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  5. On 7/24/2021 at 6:33 AM, Bansh88 said:

    Like Trump tried but got called racist. 

    That was a test. You have earned a trophy. Glad you caught that. What have the progressives said in the past..."Never let a crisis go to waste".   The only way to beat Trump was to allow the "crisis" to get bad enough to pass BS voting  rules. Notice I didn't say Laws.

    Larry Elder for Governor.

    • Like 1
  6. As a deployed DOD contractor I basically only got vaccinated (pfizer) because I knew travel would be easier. I had all the symptoms in March of 2020 but was unable to get tested to verify. With the initial shot I only had a day of discomfort at the injection point. Second shot was about 24hrs of the same symptoms in March. Basically bed ridden for a day. 

    I am currently in Palau which only opened up travel restrictions in June. They require vaccinations and testing before arrival. 100% of adults are vaccinated. I believe that was funded by the United States Taxpayer. They have not had a single case. If you shut down entry of possible carriers then you most likely are good. Palau only has around 15000 people so I am sure that helped. 

    I normally never get vaccinated for anything unless required by my work. I figure God gave us the ability to fight things off so why rely on someone else. That being said if you have multiple  comorbidities then I would not be afraid to get vaccinated with your doctors guidance. 

    Now let's get back to at least pre-covid Freedom. After that we can work on getting back the other freedoms they have taken.


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  7. Contrary to what you hear and see in the media we still live in the greatest nation on earth. Many have fought and died to give us opportunities that most of the world do not have. People go to great lengths and sometimes perish to get here. The least we can do is be proud of the USA. STAY PROUD!

      Passed by this today had to edit my post. Hand painted sign just for us.


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