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Posts posted by LegitDuner

  1. Appreciate the shout-out, RW!! 

    PDM, Unless the offer you accepted specifically states that you need to provide a section 1 termite clearance, let the buyers get one. If you don't like what they find, you can always call me and I can double check their findings.  Be careful accepting loans that require section 2 clearance. I've killed quite a few deals this year over section II work. Section II items are conducive conditions that "may" cause problems. A client of mine was looking at having to re-grade his entire property and tear up concrete because he had a faulty grade. Mostly VA loans unfortunately. VA kind of makes it difficult for everybody.

    Good luck!

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Fireballsocal said:

    Any sources for this?

    I just scoured my history and can't find a trace of it I suspect it was in one of my news apps. A Google search didn't net any results but honestly I feel like Google's algorithms are on heavy right now to find real information.

    It was an article about the feds, the budget, and upcoming inflation. Feds have been blaring the warning signal that they can't keep the economy propped up for much longer. 

  3. The Biden administration has sent letters to all the governors stating there will be a recession coming. At the same time they're trying to pass a 3.5 trillion spending bill. I think at this point we have spent over $10 trillion dollars in the last year and a half. Tell me something evil isn't coming our way

    • Like 3
  4. I'm with the others I use a brown/amber tint. I use that color for my sunglasses as well... it's good for outdoor sports, really makes colors stand out. They work at night in a pinch. The gray or black lenses you can't see squat at night.

  5. Delaware Ohio News is an online news and content source dedicated to Delaware, Ohio. Founded in the year 1808, we strive to be Delaware's premier news source, second only to the illustrious Delaware Gazette. Although we were the first Delaware, Ohio newspaper, they remain the lords of Delaware news media. That's why we're suicidal and on so many drugs.


    With all of that said, everything on this website is made up. Do not rely on anything said here.


    Don't believe us? Read our Legal Statements.

    • Like 1
  6. Biden says he couldn't change Trump's policy...

    Didn't he just spend 6 months undoing every policy Trump put in place? We just had a judge force Biden to put a Trump immigration policy back in place because..?   He didn't have a plan to protect Americans or the immigrants.


    He just created a whole new generation of terrorist by leaving people behind. Afghans are dying for helping Americans while Biden completely abandoned them.  

    I'd want revenge. 


    China just publicly warned Taiwan that we wont be therr for them just like Afghanistan. 

    China and Russia are about to checkmate our asses. 

    • Like 3
  7. Has anybody read about people having immunity cells without having covid? It's real and nobody talks about it. Do a search..  Blood was tested prior to covid coming around. Some areas were high in natural immunity cells.. This is worldwide. It's not so "novel" now .Just like they thought other viruses were in the past.

    I heard a John Hopkins doctor say herd immunity is now impossible with vaccine only. This was on MSNBC. The only way now is to establish natural immunity and get the vax.. He called it a covid sandwich or someCrap. 

    Kids wearing masks is scientifically ASININE.. I can show you where professionals are not supposed to wear them for extended periods. It's not healthy and if you recall, Faucikface said that very early on, but he flips and flops.

    I heard MSNBC say today the pandemic is caused by white Christian men.. 

    I firmly believe that history will look back on this as a cautionary tale.. I don't think there's evil people trying to poison us. I really believe they want the best for everyone FOR THEIR OWN SELFISH REASONS.  Some people are screaming for more lockdowns, more rules, more everything because it allows them to stay home, don't work, free money, etcc.

    Lastly, an article came up on my feed that was about convincing ant-vaxxers to get the vaccine. They had snippets to share stories of people on how they did it.. It was to give examples to people. One chick gave a dude she just met a BJ to get one, another one took her kids to a hotel and told husband they weren't coming back until he did, another told mother in-law if she didn't, say goodbye to her grandchildren.

    All that Crap being acceptable, all the Crap talking, all the flip and flop is why this nation is divided. It's not "science." It's pure politics and ideology, with a splash of science.


    Edit to ad. Anti-vaxxers are being blamed for more mutations.

    Well.. Hear me out.

    When you were a kid and were really sick, they gave you antibiotics. You were supposed to take them till the end. Why? Because it could come back even worse. You had to kill it off. You can't tell me that vaccine isn't causing the same issue.. If a non-vax person gets it they get natural immunity or they die. A vaxxed person only gets it a little because they never really kill it off.

    Just a theory of mine. We'll know the truth in 10-20 years..








  8. 18 hours ago, South Bay said:


    Let me let you in on something that is not widely known about this.  Turns out, it was apparently "Bear Week"  in Provincetown the week of July 4, so I'll leave it up to yore imagination as to what may have happened there (Hint: Typhoid Barrys).   Methinks this one is a statistical anomaly.

    That being said, the headlines are out and they are sensational, but once you dig into the details of the stories, it seems that breakthrough infections are up, but more than anything, cases are up amongst the unvaxxed and it appears that "they" are correct in saying the delta variant is more contagious than anything we've yet seen and cases are rising dramatically.  See Florida for reference as they have not had many restrictions and their numbers are spiking as well as in other states that didn't enforce mask mandates, close down businesses etc.

    There isn't too much new out there, but here are a few new charts to ponder:


    and closer to home:


    And anecdotally, this weekend I ran into 3 friends who are all young (late 20s /  30s) who just got over the 'rona.  All 3 were unvaxxed and the oldest is a very fit girl who had to go to the hospital twice. One of her kids also came down with it.  The other 2 are a couple and they were just pretty sick for a week or so.  None had been wearing masks at work since June15 and all 3 work in hospitality at different locations in the South Bay.

    My guess:  we "snapped back" a bit too quickly (honor system was a joke) and the new variant, coupled with increased human activity is driving this wave. Get ready for vax mandates. 


    I'm curious about your friend who went to the hospital twice. What did she go there for and how did they treat her? Is she anxious person?

    Admittedly, every time I get a sniffle or a cough I start to get paranoid, then you read all the Doom and gloom and I can see how it would make people go to the hospital when they otherwise wouldn't have. I'm not saying that's the case I'm just curious how they treated her symptoms more than anything.

  9. 5 hours ago, South Bay said:

    Do the words measles, smallpox or polio mean anything to you ?

    Look up natural immunity to smallpox vs. vaccinated. Thanks for proving my point.

    An interesting observation during the smallpox scourge was that people who survived natural smallpox developed life-long immunity against the disease, but immunity following vaccination begins to wane in vaccine recipients 3–5 years after vaccination,[1] even though the majority of vaccine recipients retain some level of antibody up to 75 years after vaccination.[69] The mechanism of vaccine-induced protection is not clear, leaving a major gap in knowledge of the correlates of immune protection against smallpox that becomes relevant for efficacy evaluation of new-generation vaccines.



    • Like 2
  10. It's been 1.5 years and I've been in a different house everyday of the week and at the lumber yards picking through material like every other sweaty, dirty bastard there, that is working at other peoples houses everyday.. I'm nearing 50, smoke, put on some weight and I'm still kicking. I been under the weather a few times, lost my taste for 24 hours, but not feeling the need to get vac. My age and choices would have people say get vaccinated.

     The science is out there. Less than 2% chance of dying. I think this is more of a personal choice.

    P.S. I think it's very telling that you can't get an antibody test easily to see if you've had it. My doctor told me the only place he knows of is to go donate blood because they check.. If you knew you had already had it, would you get a shot? And who here believes that a shot is going to give you a more natural immunity than mother nature will provide us?   "Science" absolutely loses me when they tell me I should still get the shot if I've already had it.. 


    • Like 1
  11. I have the pancake compressor for work and play.. I think it's the minimum I would rely on for multiple tires. I have the dewalt battery jumper/inflator and it takes a long time to pump a tire. (thinking it's same pump as the one posted)


    The flexvolt brushless stuff are rock solid.

    • Like 1
  12. The people that have been trained and use masks on a regular basis know this has all been a farce.

    I've been trained for most type of masks, including scuba for tent fumigations for 30 years. The "science" flew in the face of everything we were trained for by OSHA, SPCB, DPR, EPA, etc..

    Feel good gesture at most.. If I can take Anthrax and wave it in your face with no reaction on your part, then you have the right mask.

    As far as vaccine proof, well.. If the vax's work so well, why care? Seriously? And if they don't work that well, why take them?

    Vaccine cards but no voter ID.. yeahhhh...GTFO.

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