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Posts posted by Slappy

  1. 10 hours ago, Kat-A-Tonic said:



    This one is a beauty Kat.  Looks like the primrose and the sand verbena, and can’t quite tell, but maybe a smaller milkvetch in da middle?  Hmmm, nope, on a closer look, don’t think so...
    That one is a wall hanger, and looks good here in da hood. 

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  2. Whoa Scat, she is a beauty right there.  And will no doubt give you a ZAP...she don’t play.  And good info, be careful if you’re walking around mother G, and wearing sandals or going barefoot.  Slap don’t think anybody would like to take that stinger in the foot.   

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  3. 1 hour ago, Lord of the Dunes said:



    1 hour ago, Lord of the Dunes said:



    1 hour ago, Lord of the Dunes said:



    1 hour ago, Lord of the Dunes said:



    1 hour ago, Lord of the Dunes said:



    1 hour ago, Lord of the Dunes said:



    1 hour ago, Lord of the Dunes said:



    1 hour ago, Lord of the Dunes said:




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  4. 14 hours ago, L.R.S. said:

    Though I can't appreciate a post count I think content means more than an arbitrary number.

    Well hot damn, LRS popping into Slaps neighborhood.   Slap actually got excited thinking you might bring something positive in here when he saw you... maybe a beautiful picture of mother Glamis, or Ms. Fox, or the Pearson‘s milkvetch, or the desert sand Verbena, or the dune evening primrose, or Mr. great horned owl, or what about Ms. Fringe Toed lizard? Damn, nothing like that at all...not even a pic of you throwing a roost in your McSlappmachine, or not even a “Right on, pretty cool” or even an emoji 👍 thumb upper...bummed Slap out... content of someone’s character....hmmmm...maybe we make rules on that?  Nah, Slap don’t like putting restrictions on folks, because who is Slap to judge about the “Quality” of someone’s content or even their character...how you go about doing it is entirely up to you.  

    But, Slap is excited that you popped into his neighborhood, good you made it over here sir. But, Slap asks that if next time you come popping in, bring something positive, cuz Slap thinks you gots cool stuff to share over here.    👍❤️


    • Like 7
  5. Who is Slappy???

    Slappy McDuner was raised a child of color to a lowly share-cropper in the deep south. From a very early age, he was fascinated by the motorcycle. His first love was a QA50 mini-bike that his father, Pappy McDuner, managed to buy for him. This passion only grew as he aged. He managed to graduate and was considered "gifted" by his peers.

    Using his new found knowledge, he soon found himself pumping gas at "Bernies Pump and Fill". This is where his keen interest developed with the modern combustible engine. After he was fired for sniffing the exhaust one too many times, he packed up and headed west. It took him approximately 5 years to hitchhike from Toupillo Mississippi to Brawley California. Reasons as to why it took so long are sketchy, but according to sources, Slappy had the gift of gab and would talk to people for hours on end. It is even rumored that he once talked to a man for 18 hours straight about why matchheads are red in color.

    Yes sir, Slappy was a unique individual. But being such a unique individual caused many people to wonder about Slappy's mental stability. While on his journey, Slappy was arrested by police after they found him running through a corn field with nothing on but his birthday suit. And after what Slappy claimed to be an "alien abduction", the judge committed Slappy to the Shady Hills Mental Institution. To this day Slappy swears that he was abducted by an alien race of "Bionic Women".

    Slappy met his worst nightmare at the Shady Hills Mental Institution: the men in the white coats. Slappy endured 'treatments', that in his words were, "ABSOLUTELY SHASTAMCSNAPPLISH"! Slappy vowed to escape one day. That day happened when Slappy disguised himself as a mop and escaped, never to be found by the men in the white coats again. That night Slappy began walking. He was following the moonlight that starry night, and singing songs of Robert Preston and Barry Manilow. Slappy kept walking...and walking...and walking...when he stumbled onto the most glorious site he'd ever seen. The sand glistened off the moonlight creating a satin sheet of silver, and abounding with glorious, rippled sand dunes. Her name was Glamis, Mother Glamis that is.

    Slappy immediately fell in love with her and the plants and animals that live upon her. He has made personal friendships with many of her inhabitants; his best friend being a Red Tail Hawk he calls "Mr. Red Tail". Slappy found his calling. Slappy searched Mother Glamis for two years straight locating various parts of machine and metal. He slept for an hour a day, enduring the heat of summer, the cold of winter, and near death experiences of men and machines.

    After two years, he had located enough parts to piece together a machine that would not be rivaled even to this day, "THE MCSLAPPMACHINE". Slappy and the "McSlappMachine" can be found in Glamis, and at times are seen far off in the distance ripping bowls and riding ridges. His legacy of preserving the dunes, awareness of the Peirsons Milkvetch, Dune Etiquitte, and dune education are the catalysts of his cause. Slappy now lives in...well, nobody really knows, and is married to his darling wife, Natasha McDuner. Slappy is charming and witty, and endulges in prose and poetry. Very few have ever seen Slappy, and even fewer have ridden with him. If you are one of the lucky ones who gets to ride with him, fear not and ride like the wind, because nobody dune like Slappy dune!


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  6. The Desert Sand Verbena.   This little beauty can carpet the desert floor just like the dune evening primrose, especially after ample rain.  She will mix in with the Dune Evening Primrose and with the Peirson Milkvetch.  She is related to the creosote bush, and have trumpet shaped flowers. She is a beauty. 


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  7. The Fringe Toed Lizard.  This beauty performs incredible stunts out on mother Glamis using grace and speed.  They have elongated  scales that form a fringe on the outside of there hind toes.  These aid in their traction and speed allowing her to move quickly across the sandy desert floor. And in the blink of an eye she can perform a ‘shake’, in which you see her one second, and they disappear into the sand the next. It’s how they escape predators and also escape the heat of the desert sun. Their upper jaw overlaps their lower jaw to prevent sand particle intrusion. How cool is that.  Not many duners can out dune Ms. fringe toad lizard. Slappy has seen her leap off the ridge of a bowl, at full speed, and land 20 feet down the other side.  Pretty impressive.  

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  8. This is Mr. sidewinder rattlesnake. He is a regular out on mother G. He glides across the desert sand using a sidewinder motion, in which it allows him to move quickly across sandy slopes. And the track imprint that he leaves is in the shape of a J, or Slappy would rather say, a candy cane print.   He has a horn above each guy, probably to keep sand out of his eyeballs when da sand is blowing.  He is venomous, a pit viper, so don’t try and pet him.  He won’t bother you if you don’t bother him.




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  9. The Sandfood. This is a strange and unusual plant that grows out on mother Glamis. She is a parasitic plant, in which she attaches her stem to the roots of other plants, such as the buckwheat, and uses the buckwheats nutrients for itself.  She is mushroom like in appearance, and on top of her mushroom heads bloom tiny purple flowers.  If you come across her, take some pictures, and try not to run her over, because she is rarely seen out on mother G.



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  10. This is Slappy‘s favorite flower in Mother Glamis.  The Dune Evening Primrose.  She blooms at night, so beautiful and white.  And when you wake up in the morning and look out over the washes, there’s nothing but a blanket of white. Oh she makes Slappy wanna dance.



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  11. Damn right you folks did, and Slap is downright proud of you. That badge of honor of serving in the Slap Army; our mission to keep Mother Glamis clean and happy.  We do so without bias, prejudice, or anger towards those deadbeats that don’t give a damn and destroy her on a regular basis, and even those that put blinders on as others do the hard work so that they can enjoy all the fruits of others labor.  
    That’s why this group is a small, yet proud and strong.  ❤️

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  12. In the words of Plato hisself, “when things get really bad, you just Gotta dance.”  And slap knows dat Mr. Plato gots his head cut off after that, so, just forget that part, let’s go by  his words of wisdom. Let’s dance glamisdunes.com.  BD18DD77-5F8F-4002-887B-7E80D9D9D072.gif

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