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Posts posted by ChEFF

  1. We're in the process of building our dream home. About to pour the Foundation. Living in the house we have now, we were going to wait until our house was done to sell it but...........With the market so strong for the seller, we're trying to get it ready to sell NOW! Live in the motorhome until the house is completed. There's people with opinions too. "You'll hate each other / What are you gonna do with all your stuff in the meantime? You sell your house then what?" We're looking at it like ($$$$$$.$$) Sure would be nice to transfer the money from the sell to the new home. Life is good with out a Mortgage payment. Construction costs are soaring to an all time high. And so is selling your home. My question is: How long is it going to be a sellers market? (Hate to wait) The market has to crash eventually! Peace

  2. 21 hours ago, dbart said:

    This is going to hopefully be an EPIC outdoor season....so much going on!


    EFF Baseball, Basketball!!! Pu**ies that are paid way too much and are little bitches! :bag:







    Stay Healthy Guys and lets get it on!! EPIC no doubt dbart. Peace

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  3. 1 hour ago, MWB said:

    It was a dark evening when a family member by marriage  and I were standing around our camp fire in Wash 13.5 discussing what he wanted to do with his life and what he was going to next after moving from Michigan to Arizona.  When this wise man appeared from the darkness.  He spoke wisdom that only comes from years of life and the experiences you gain from a successful stress free life. He spoke to that young man in a way that changed his life in just the short time. The wise man spoke in a way that others could not do in his entire life time.  As the flames turned to embers the wise man told us he needed to return to his camp and wished him luck in his adventure and he faded into the darkness......

    As we stood there watching the last of our small fire fade into the darkness reflecting on the wisdom we had just witnessed. The young man now had a new purpose a new direction and a new mentor. Out of the darkness returned the wise man.  His gate now was more of a stumble his words of wisdom this time were.



    I can't believe how many Blue YFZ's there are parked in front of Weekend Warriors in this Wash? Do you guy's have any idea where I parked my quad ? 






    What an evening MWB! First visit to all the GD.com folks. It was like trying to find your rental car in the parking lot of Sam Boyd Stadium after the Supercross Finals. EVERY car in there is rented! Peace 

    • Haha 2
  4. It was a DARK evening when Samplr and I were reminiscing about the day in the Dunes. This dude rides up to us out of nowhere and asks if we could get his awning off his motorhome. The wind howled that day and he was EFFed. We followed this guy out of our camp in Wash 22 and he couldn't find his own moho. Finally we stopped and said...EFF this guy, lets find his Moho without him. So we journeyed off and found his rig. It was easy to spot. The awning was thrashed. So we continue the story / beer from our camp now at his. Eventually the man said....."Can you guys get this awning off my motorhome?" We forgot why we were there. Classic moment. Took 2 minutes and it was down. Sun comes up in the morning and the dude was literally right next to us. He couldn't find his rig the night before. YES...It was very dark that night. Peace

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    • Haha 4

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