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Posts posted by Realbadlarry

  1. This state is lost... hope the country wakes up, but have my doubts.  

    A moderate conservative is called a Democrat.  The power structure in this state has put a lock on its power... here come the gun bans and the taxes and bye bye fossil fuels... Get out while you can.

  2. So many Hero's that day..... How far we have come..... May they rest in peace......... How did we get the "leaders" we have today.....ask yourself...how many of them would do what they did on that plane??? My guess NONE of them.... they don't deserve to lead people.  Time to Remember America...what REAL leaders look like. 

    • Like 8
  3. Hung out in PB for a couple days.... damn is every grungy, loser, homeless pot smoker live on the beach there now? It is really sad how bad it has gotten down there. There used to be cops everywhere....we saw 2 cars all weekend...no bikes, no atvs,  just 2 cars actually driving thru town and not patrolling....it was sad with people pissing in the sand just off the boardwalk at night.... Glad the kids are grown...wouldn't take them down there for this. 

  4. Quote

    This is just my opinion, but I believe that the Biden Administration was in a hurry to complete the total withdrawal before 9/11 to use it for political gain. They did not listen to those who may of warned about a hasty departure because politics trumps logic.

    Nope you are 100% wrong.....they Knew EXACTLY what was going to happen and it is part of the plan....they WANT complete chaos is the United States...the ONLY way they get and hold on to more power is thru disaster, man made or other. They found out Covid worked, so they will keep playing that card...don't expect the US to get back to "normal" EVER....this is the new normal, Govt controlling EVERY aspect of our lives... 5-9/gal fuel prices.... But hey, you have to understand.....No more mean tweets are on twitter...and that is worth it to them. 

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  5. Kiley doesn't  have a chance in hell...this is how the republicans F everything up.....all about me and not enough about winning... Effner and Cocks and the Weirdo guy/chick can't give up the power.. .Kiley has ZERO name recognition and WILL NOT WIN.... Nunes or not nobody knows who he is.  But hey lets just keep splitting that vote up.....

    • Like 1
  6. 50 minutes ago, wesinls said:

    Dr's should be speaking to it more than politicians

    Yes they should and they should be honest...but Liberalism is a mental disorder....and most dr.s are liberals...so you can't trust them either...the ones that spoke out about the hydrochlorowhatever were DESTROYED  by their peers and the media....sorry  EVERYTHING is political now...the liberals can smell blood and only months away from damaging this country beyond repair....Covid is their horse and they are going to ride it till it drops.... What is the "right" thing to do?  Get a vaccine so you can spread Covid without knowing you have it?  Take your chances with a disease with a 99.8% survival rate? Hell if you get Covid...THEY EffING SEND YOU HOME....NO MEDS JUST GO HOME AND GET BETTER...... They are letting MILLIONS of infected people in the southern border.....I guess they really don't care do they????  

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  7. 5 hours ago, D-n-Tyke said:

    Those Empires went thru the same thing, as you say history repeats itself, but how did they fair, and where are those Empires now? I thi k that is the point trying to be made.

    Yep, We still have a chance....but I think the clock is running faster than people know.  Once we are gone as a country, the whole world will suffer. 

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  8. 9 hours ago, bringenkaos said:

    The sky is falling........ The sky is falling....... calm down everyone..... every generation goes through something where the world is coming to an end... 

    Beg to differ, never have we seen the type of assault  on our basic freedoms....there is NOBODY else, once the US falls, there is no other country to carry the torch.  This is a heavy duty effort by billionaires to destroy the US and it's working.  

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  9. That bumbling idiot is going to be the end of this country....but good new... vaccinated people don't have to wear masks...He said so.....then denied he said it... he was SOOOO doped up, his eyes were like marlbes....  Who voted for that....seriously.....

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