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Status Updates posted by fng

  1. Welcome to the Crypto Club!

  2. You gonna add any topics to the club we're not supposed to talk about or what???????????? :j240z:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. fng


      That's just it. We're already on the page, but he hasn't added any content...the moofer!

    3. AlpineFunco


      Can I get added back in? I lost access when the board was updated a year or two ago, thought it was gone. I did see it in a screen shot from Stugots or maybe Grease Monkey, pm'd them about it, but never heard back. Just seeing the talk about the "club we're not supposed to talk about" on the home page and thought I'd ask again.

    4. AlpineFunco


      So I'm guessing "no" would be the answer to my request of regaining access to the Scorpions Den???


  3. The countdown begins!

  4. Being chased by the whitecoats!

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