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Meter Tech

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Posts posted by Meter Tech

  1. Sacramento has been arguing over building a much-needed reservoir for something like 30-50 years.... environmentalist have unlimited legal funding in this State and why shiat like this ^^^^ goes on.... its mindless BS!!  

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  2. 50 is that magic age number that it all changes after that.....not all doom and gloom but I've said it for a few years now that you will know when you hit 50!! 

    I'm 54 so I know from experience :5:

    A few years ago I hit 281#'s (6'1") and I was miserable in every way! 

    Since then I really focused on portion control and intermittent fasting and reducing sugar intake. It's taken a few years but down 50#'s and feel much better. 

    Every diet / work out plan works.....hard part is sticking to said plan.

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  3. To me, meeting and or exceeding the goals set by management with a new set of goals to meet following said raise. The employees attitude, time on the job, skill level and obviously demand for their skill set is a huge factor. 

    I find it comical; companies always have budget for new hires but never retention, it's a big corporate blunder if you ask me. Employers need to keep in mind, that employee has to go home every night and hopefully feel good about what they accomplished that day and feel compensated for it, they also have a family (not always) to answer to and provide for. 

    With that said, the employees having to understand the business has to be profitable and sustainable hopefully for the long run. It should always be looked at as a give & take but the overall good for everyone involved. 

    I've worked for small business where you basically had to be walking out the door to get a raise, I ran a small business with employees and every year we would sit down and go over their performance and some type of raise was enacted, my thought was if I have an employee who is not worth at a minimum 1-2% pay increase then maybe it was time to move on and I've worked for a big global corporation where you can wait years for a raise because they go with the mindset that you are at the maximum pay level for that position yet every year they expect more....and now with another big global corporation but privately / family owned who believe in paying for experience and retention at a fair expectation.  

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  4. A Duner is someone who invest time, money and energy into the sport. My wife calls this time of the year her Widow months because she knows I'm in Glamis just about every other weekend from Halloween to Easter for the most part. If you own toys, trailers and commit to going to the dunes on some sort of schedule even if it's only a couple of times a year but you are committed to the sport makes you a Duner. 

    With that said, to be a true Duner you have to respect the dunes and keep them nice and clean, you have to respect your fellow Duner and you have to be willing to help a fellow Duner in need!  


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  5. I owned them all as well....5th wheel for me makes the most sense for our sport. 

    My LE3505 was a great trailer...I did switch out my paddles for skinnies only due to I backed in so I could fit my kids quads but no issue fitting with my paddles. 

    I currently own a 2007 CR3905 and love it, I installed a drive over wheel well on the camp side and a winch.....no problem with paddles. 

    I also think WW setups are the best for our sport. They all have issues, luckily Jim @ VIP is the go to for WW and a sponsor on GD.Com. 

    My buddy had a Gearbox pull behind that worked well for him, bathroom sucked but not my rig. It had the delam issues as well. 

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