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Posts posted by AlpineFunco

  1. 2 hours ago, Mac said:

    I got flamed for it before but I'll say it again, I was really hoping the economy would have priced people out of Glamis.  Another flame me statement...SXSs have ruined Glamis and off-roading nationwide.  A lot of good people own SXSs.  They are fun, practical, nothing wrong with them.  Then enter the non-experienced sh*theads and a$$holes that their homie, bro, ese, etc...told them to get or the COVID, let me finance my this to get me out instead of going to Disney or on a vacation types.  AND...more flaming...this younger generation (millennials and zoomers). They don't give a single f*ck about anything but themselves..."MY GLAMIS!"  I'll ride where I want!  I'll stop where I want!, etc...  Most aren't on here and stay on FB or IG.  I really lose my chit when I see older folks acting this way...You f*cking know better.  I see their posts...they only care about themselves and they have their stupid mentality that it takes a village for them to have their fun.   "We need help!"  "I need gas!", blah, blah, blah...  I'm not their village and refuse to be.

    This season is a wash for me.  Car is not done.  I have been out a couple times to camp with people and might do a couple more but really haven't done any riding.  Once I get my car back together, I plan on joining the off weekend crowd or even the midweek crowd.  I'm done dealing with retards.  Mac has aged out! GET OFF MY LAWN!!!  :lol:

    Is there a post of the month or year award???? If so, no voting needed, winner is right here.

    • Like 2
  2. 16 hours ago, Cookie said:

    I have never seen camping so crowded, dunes weren't that crowded though.  I have been camping in the same spot for 30 years, and I showed up on Christmas Morning and almost couldn't get a spot.  Then got lectured by my neighbors that I am lucky to camp where I am.  Then they proceeded to tell me that the only reason they are camping there was Cement flats and Gecko were packed since Dec 15th.  The lack of respect by the campers was over the top and we camp off the beaten path.

    But on the other hand, I felt the dunes were relatively the same in terms of quantity of people.  We had some good runs, yes it was rough, but a little extra speed helped.  Burned 50 gallons of E85, that is always a fun time.

    Wonder if your lecture came from the guy that came down to cement flats and started saying we should alter the size of our camp in order to make room for his friends and their 14 rigs that were coming in 5 days later. Kept saying “let’s work together”, but in his mind that seemed to mean give him anything and everything he wanted.  🤡🤡

  3. 3 hours ago, High Sierra Dad said:

    Eh, every red blooded Male loves explosions partnered with bright, colorful lights.

    But, grown Males comprehend the ripple effect they have on Pets and other animals. If your idea of fun is creating havok in an animal's brain just because you can, well... you're just that "Democrat" kind of special.

    Yore suggesting that fireworks can't be lit off because they might offend yore dog is one of the most democrat things I've read in quite a while.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, Jammer75 said:

    Fireworks are for “kittys”(forum friendly)!!!!

    I look at anyone lighting off fireworks as litters!!! 

    Please don’t let me catch you littering!!!!

    “Let you catch me”?????



    I like fireworks. Valley of Fire north of Vegas has a good supply.

  5. Question about your plan that may change selling this. Have you ever had a stacker? Or had a camping buddy that had a stacker? I know it seems cool to have a two car garage with all your tools while camping, but in reality it's a pain in the ass. A friend of mine had two and other then being able to haul his car and two SxS's, it was nothing but a hassle. If your'e wife and/or kids are going to drive the second sand car all the time then you'd probably need it, but if the second sand car is in reality going to be your backup, maybe the two seat SxS would be the way to go. Just a thought.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, THD said:

    As I posted earlier, you can trace back this chaos and dysfunction to one man and his cronies. The question is, is it intentional or just complete incompetence? I believe both, but leaning heavily on intentional.


    Incompetence on the old farts part, intentional on the part of his handlers.

    • Like 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, dbart said:

    My Uncle is one of those that thought Trump was mean, so he voted for this brain-dead effing moron!

    I really really want to poke that bear and ask him how that's worked out for him, but he's family and I don't want to get into it...but kind of want to!



    You could post up his email address and we could help you out. 😎😎

    • Haha 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Sausage450r said:

    I feel like im the only one not concerned. I actually know multiple people that packed up and left tow . Albertsons in alpine was a zoo. I went in for tri tip and ice cream. Everyone else has water canned food and toilet paper. 

    You are not alone😎😎. Epic sunset and enough beers for the next few days. 

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, 77charger said:

    We were in maui earlier this summer went to maui brewing and no servers take order atyour table you need to order from your phone or go up to a counter to order.Chose to go to counter and you enter order then pay there but they also had a tip jar.IMO this wasnt much different from ordering fast food IMO.


    for servers who come take order bring food i tip them well,same goes for other services that usually have been tip type jobs.

    Must’ve just changed. We went to dinner there in January and they had waitresses taking orders at the tables.

    No actual service, no tip. In my mind taking the trash cans away so they HAVE to clear the table doesn’t really warrant a tip either. You wanna make me go up to the counter twice to order and then get my food like at in’n’out, then I’ll bus my own table and keep my $5

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  10. 7 hours ago, ElCaminoManT said:

    This is a state thing. We got the notice down here a while back. After I saw the trash truck pick up and dump my grey trash bin then move 3 feet forward and grab the blue recycle bin and dump it on top of the trash he just put in the truck, I've opted to not follow their protocol.

    I saw my trash guy do the same thing a few years ago. I now expend zero effort on recycling. It's all trash.

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