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Posts posted by 1tonfun

  1. 13 minutes ago, Kraut_n_Rice said:

    It's not illegal for sink water to go directly to the ground in ISDRA.  It becomes illegal when it hits a tank first.

    I played this game with a dipshit ranger once.

    That is correct, I have a sink in my stacker and it drains straight to the ground. Never had an issue with the rangers, but if you think about it, its not like your taking a shower and leaving a big puddle. I never thought about having a sink in the trailer, it came with it. After having one in the trailer, it will be mandatory on any replacement trailer down the road. It really helps keep the motorhome clean, especially after having to fix a cv or something of that nature.

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  2. 49 minutes ago, Rorschach said:

    I too would like to know the particular 3M product used here. I have an older trailer that needs some reattaching in a few places. I was going to drill a couple holes and pop in some rivets but I'd rather not drill if I can avoid it

    3M VHB tape, I got some from McMaster for the same fix on my old trailer.

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  3. One of the regulars we used to go to the dunes with has family back in Indiana. One year his dad and brothers drove out in their motor home with the quads to join us for a New Years trip. This was back when sobe came in a glass bottle. We put a bunch together and walked up and set one in the fire. Now the dad from Indiana was a fire chief and he about came unglued. He got up, ran behind he motor home and told us all to take cover because we were going to get blown up and cussing us out as he hid behind the motor home. We stood back from the fire about 20-30' like we normally do, perfect sobe mushroom cloud and he comes back cussing us out again but this time it was like a kid with a new toy, F-in rad, how did you do that etc. Took him over and showed him how they were made and we used all the rest of our bottles that night. He kept telling us he couldn't wait to get home and show the guys at the station this trick.

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  4. One summer our dune group went camping. One of the guys came out with a banana for breakfast and starts to deep throat it. One of the wives got a pic of his shenanigans, blew it up to a 3x5 camp flag and had a set of coffee mugs made. First trip to the dunes that following season, we all came out for breakfast with the matching mugs, took him a while to notice. He thought that was it. We went out on an afternoon ride and headed to the drags. My son put the flag on his pre runner for the debut and made a couple of passes down the drags before the culprit noticed the flag, I don't think he was to happy about that one.

    • Haha 5
  5. You know those trips when a friend of a friend of a friend shows up that no one really knows. We had one of those in camp on trip about 16 years ago for Halloween. Nice enough guy, mid 20's at the time but turned into a first rate ass hole when drunk. It was after dinner and we were sitting outside one of the trailers and this guy comes up and asks for a beer. We point him to the ice chest at the next trailer over and tell him to help himself. He starts to go off on all of us about how we were ass holes that wouldn't share our beer. We explained that the ice chest that a couple of us were sitting on was empty and the beer was in the ice chest we had pointed to. After a few more choice words from him, we stand up, open the ice chest and show him its empty, walk over to the other, grab beers for us all and hand him one. He went and sat by the fire continued to drink until he passed out. My 3 boys were between 12-14 at the time started to slowly dig a hole behind his chair. They keep digging out behind  the back legs of his chair and work it back until it he is laying passed out in the hole they had dug. They came over and asked for the dish soap, covered him in it, made sure there was a nice coat of dish soap in his hair, then proceeded to bury him in the sand. Not sure he ever figured out why was covered in so much sand, he just laughed it off in the morning.

    Same guy shows up to camp with us for New Years. On New Years eve, he gets a-hole drunk and starts offering shots to our 9-10 year old daughters. A few choice words between us and he heads to the fire for a repeat of Halloween. Well before he passes out, he decided that he better go to bed. He was sleeping in the back seat of his 4 door nissan pickup. My boys said dad, don't worry we got this. They brought one of those big rolls of shrink wrap and proceeded to wrap it around and around his cab. Next morning a few of us were up early when a-hole drunk woke up and couldn't figure out why the doors wouldn't open. He was on the back seat kicking on the door trying to get it open, I guess he really had to pee. He finally rolled down a window, found something to cut the shrink wrap, jumps out and starts to pee before he could pull it all the way out of his pants. We were rolling on the ground laughing so hard, we just couldn't help it. Watching him try to kick the doors open, couldn't figure out what was wrong, then peeing all over himself. He loaded his bike and left, that was the last time we saw him.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, ROBERT L said:

    So what happened to the cool cars?

    Up next, this is in the works. Should be heading into paint around February, hope to be driving this by the end of 2022. My great grandfather purchased this car new in 1940 in Phoenix. My dad drove it through college then gave it to me when I was in high school. Been slowly building a hot rod out of it for the last 35 years. Wife got tired of looking at it and told me to drop it off at the shop and get it finished.

    40 merc1.jpg

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  7. Drive this occasionally, my sons and I built this for my Dad. He had talked about turning this into a modern driver so we stuffed a C-5 corvette suspension under it, CBM LS power and 6 spd tremec.


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  8. 1 hour ago, Quaddaddy said:

    Always been on a quad since I started 21 years ago.  Leader out front (someone who rides to the least experienced rider’s skill). Most or next most experienced rider at the rear. If a rider misses a line, circle around and wait. The leader should be missing you soon and come back for you. Lines should be even transitions with lots of room for people to catch up if they need to. Give the rider directly in front of you plenty of room to make the next hill. I’m sure there’s  more, but thats all I got for now.

    To add to this point, if you loose the line, stop at the top of a dune, not at the bottom. Helps the leader circle around and find you quicker.

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  9.  The unexpected break downs never got to me, it was always an adventure. It was guys that would break down every trip for the same thing that wore me out. These were the guys that wouldn't do basic maintenance on their toys, show up with the bandaid on their toy from the last trip expecting the quick fix to last the rest of the season, etc. Most of them have left the sport so not much of an issue any more.

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  10. 14 minutes ago, Cookie said:

    People don't dune like we used to, now everyone needs a destination so they can look at each other...................love stopping in the middle of nowhere

    I can't believe the amount of sh!t people pull out of their sxs when they roll up to their destination. EZ up, camp chairs, tables, portable shitter, it doesn't end. Glad they have a destination to go too, lets us know the areas to avoid.

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